送交者: mangolasi 于 2006-09-25, 15:37:14:
回答: We can assume this might be the case, as 谚云:富不过三代 由 Wood 于 2006-09-25, 12:31:20:
不过top 20%算不上什么富,相信你们都是,不过再富一些的没有数据。所以你们不用担心,你们的孩子都很可能将会有你的生活标准的。
"He found that 42% of those born into the poorest fifth ended up where they started—at the bottom. Another 24% moved up slightly to the next-to-bottom group. Only 6% made it to the top fifth. Upward mobility was particularly low for black families. On the other hand, 37% of those born into the top fifth remained there, whereas barely 7% of those born into the top 20% ended up in the bottom fifth. A person born into the top fifth is over five times as likely to end up at the top as a person born into the bottom fifth."