送交者: steven 于 2006-12-10, 23:55:36:
回答: 据我所知,飞机是他家人花线租用的. 由 isle 于 2006-12-10, 10:02:58:
family can always assists searching by hiring helicopter, in this case, there are more than one helicopters were used in the search, some of them were hired by the family, however, helicopters like the UH-60 blackhawk is not something you can just hired. It was from the national guards.
check this out.
More people to help is always better. In fact, rescuers narrow down the search area by checking the credit card transactions which could have been done only by the authorities. They found Kati and the daughters using cell phone triangulation because friends kept sending them text messages. Eventually the signal were picked up by basestations.
No to compare with China, I saw with my very eyes how policemen left a traffic accident victim in the creek at 武夷山 九曲 for more than 24 hours. If you want to what is indifference, ask them.