送交者: SmilingKaKa~ 于 2006-12-11, 10:24:26:
回答: Some more information about ACM/ICPC2005 由 SmilingKaKa~ 于 2006-12-11, 09:41:24:
Report Everything
Hi, everyone!
I am Wu Yingying, from Department of Psychology, Beijing Normal University.
I am a volunteer in ACM ICPC(ACM International Computer Programming Contest).
I play a role as Assitant to Aisa director in ACM ICPC, as well as Asia-China reporter.
I serve in the Programmar Magazine in China as Reporter.
My Hippocratic Oath about my journalism is Report Everything.
So I will report ACM ICPC Issues here, wish you'll like it.
Please write me your comments, I am expecting that, thanks.