Do you have a crush on a child pornographer?


送交者: Icemann 于 2012-08-06, 12:12:46:

回答: 打蒋方舟高考“舞弊案”是骑驴看唱本的打法? 由 OldMountains 于 2012-08-06, 05:21:12:

1. Your defense for this "beauty/writer" is largely based on your assumption that the daughter and mother are too smart to appear this stupid. In your twisted logic, the apparent stupidity becomes their defense.

2. Using your logic, you would defend college professors who forged diplomas, foreign company executives who claims either being in the same classroom with Obama or earning PhD from Cal Tech.

3. You overestimated the intelligence of pathological liars, who are usually canning and shrewd, but not intelligent.

4. You have a crush on this “beauty/writer”. The sheer amount of time you put in defending her tooth and nail gave it away.

5.Some of the works of this “beauty/writer” borders on child pornography. It apparently worked on you.



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