Would like to share two things I did this weekend


送交者: silxirt 于 2012-10-08, 11:54:31:

1. Had my iPhone manufacturer unlocked within 6 hours.

I have an old 3GS, plan to retire and give to my kid, but not with ATT, so it needs to be unlocked (has been jailbroken and soft unlocked so far), don't want to bother friends to have it unlocked for me (5/year for each valid ATT client), so I searched the web, surprisingly it is easy and cheap, it is done in 6 hours at the cost of $6 (today the price is $5.25)
Now it is with iOS 6, though a lot of feature is not available due to old hardware.
2. Free 1GB/month 4G (need to deposit $90 to rent a hotspot device, with 0/month fee)
It is freedompop.

The device arrived today, will try when I get home.



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