A good intention but an obviously biased report,


送交者: asimpleday 于 2014-03-02, 12:05:03:

回答: 此人的危害是那个政协委员的头衔,嘴大谣言散播的更大 由 whatistruth 于 2014-03-02, 11:45:58:

First of all, I do not think Mr. Cui is ill intentioned in producing this documentary.

However, it is a biased report and understandable with his background of no scientific training.

It can be powerful and misleading.

The majority of the public has no scientific training as well. Let alone of understand the evidenced approach of any subjects.

Not to claim that I have much of understanding of the subject yet. The report itself in the context of China, can probably stir up more fear than a balanced understanding of the subject.

Mainstream scientists need to step out the ivory tower and get into the public realm in subjects like this.



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