i tried once when i was back


送交者: kma 于 2014-06-16, 09:05:25:

回答: 改开搞=买办复兴,人民遭殃: 高铁票价高上座率低 专家称空着可做欣赏用 由 095 于 2014-06-16, 05:30:47:

extremely satisfying experience. talking with fellow passengers, most shared positive attitudes. especially people from hubei, they were very sympathetic to liu zhijun,because liu gave lots of favors there.

and if one reads west media, it's also changing, many gave thumbs up now.

it's not surprising if one hold no extreme grudge against ccp, high speed train is a no brainer for china, and sooner or later india, brazil, south africa will follow.

the two concerns on safety and affordability will be always there, no matter where, communist or not.



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