

送交者: 008 于 2013-06-15, 10:04:54:

回答: 只有脑残才会把美国的监听和中国的网络监管混为一谈。 由 bluesea 于 2013-06-15, 07:56:38:

I think this is the same object represents itself in different forms at different places. The government always wants more power, wants more control. I have no doubt that some entities in US would like to set up a GFW if not facing fierce objection, for the purpose of anti-terror, anti-pirate, or just more money, more power. 1984 has passed, but it is still approaching.

Some facts are admitted by the government, that some information has been collected, but the usage of which is strictly limited to ... purpose. This is to say, we have collected some of your property, but they are just stored, not spent. I am not sure what the result of this event would turned out to be. People on this land are no longer similar to the explorers from two hundred years ago. I wouldn't be surprised to see some would prefer greater security than greater freedom.

I am not taking sides. My personal preference is to be fed with free food and covered with free shelter. This free has nothing to do with freedom.



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