

送交者: pgss 于 2013-06-23, 22:13:47:

In a statement on Saturday, Mr. Assange suggested that President Obama was the real “traitor,” for betraying the hopes of a generation of idealists represented by both Private Manning and Mr. Snowden.

“They are young, technically minded people from the generation that Barack Obama betrayed,” Mr. Assange wrote on the WikiLeaks Web site. “They are the generation that grew up on the Internet, and were shaped by it. The U.S. government is always going to need intelligence analysts and systems administrators, and they are going to have to hire them from this generation and the ones that follow it.”

Mr. Assange added a warning to the government: “By trying to crush these young whistle-blowers with espionage charges, the U.S. government is taking on a generation, and that is a battle it is going to lose.”


大概以后老美只能从天朝招人了,因为那里的IT人比较没有critical thinking....



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