

送交者: bosebose 于 2015-03-10, 22:44:50:

回答: you need to be unconscious to understand this matter of consciousness 由 cornbug 于 2015-03-10, 22:23:36:

"内观" is basically saying, if you can't measure and understand this world like the way Mao did, then just let it go, and do your own "内观" somewhere, reducing thermal activity/waste/entropy of your mind and body;

BBC video somewhere: this Indian guy don't drink or eat for months, sitting in an Indian army room being videoed, he just sits there, Indian army wants to learn from him, figuring out his "tricks".

my guess: he basically lives on that 整体大于部分的那个 "灵魂意识"Hamiltonian feed inside his system somewhere



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