

送交者: bosebose 于 2015-03-14, 18:25:29:

回答: 中国暂停了要求科技公司向中国政府交出敏感信息的立法的起草工作 由 true 于 2015-03-14, 00:23:03:

老中块头大, 和白人打交道: 耍狠 is a powerful weapon, the way German 西特勒 fxxed Europe, why not?

but 老中白人打交道,一直是处男,white is there for 老中 to fxxk, but 老中 does not know how to use his tail between his two legs.

that is why I said, 共军统治主要要靠脑残国内 1.5 B Chinese,
the physics possible outcome:

共军剥夺国内 1.5 B people 思想意识正常的热自由度,然后中文化引力塌缩成黑洞, dragging many brains into it.

but Chinese as a nation will survive, and in terms of history 大尺度, no big deal, nobody knows or cares about 脑残 % of 1.5B people, just like today's pollution problems.

that is why I said for those overseas young Chinese, they better stay away from BS Chinese 中文化 in mainland



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