这种摧残与自虐截然不同? How much different?


送交者: steven 于 2013-08-21, 03:31:53:

回答: 死亡不再是恐惧 - 芭蕾舞天鹅之死 由 ax 于 2013-08-21, 01:59:25:

Considering Professional Boxers getting beat up through out their careers, and develop dementia pugilistica in the end. They will have brain injuries, they lost balance, can't even button up their own shirts. They shake uncontrollably and suffered decline mental ability. How "健康," or "积极向上" can it be?

Yeah, the spectators need not suffer, they cheer and enjoy every moment, and they don't get boxer's syndrome.

What is the difference here, say women with foot binding and ballet dancers between the ancient Chinese men wanted to see women had their feet bounded? Those women were also 靠摧残自己给他人和自己带来美的, and 用自己的艰辛与痛苦给他人带来愉悦. Aren't those ancient Chinese men 病态的,堕落的、给他人带来厌恶的?



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