that phrase came from the Preamble of the US Constitution.


送交者: steven 于 2013-05-14, 19:03:50:

回答: 没有在你提供的网页上看见有"We the People of the United States"这句话啊。 由 Xysreader 于 2013-05-14, 18:42:47:

In the White House blog, it said
More than 2 million users joined We the People in the last two months of 2012 alone and some 6 million of you have logged in to the system and left more than 10 million signatures. That's a lot of citizen engagement for one application to handle, but it's done well, and we continue to release updates to the source code on GitHub and
It referred the accounts and signatures are "citizen engagement."

Now the question is whether someone will get into trouble by creating a petition on the White House website. If the administration, in this case, the American Consulate, I assumed that was real, provided its interpretation, that means until the interpretation is challenged at court, that is the official stance.



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