送交者: cornbug 于 2013-08-31, 15:32:08:
Russia's agency responsible for the Kremlin security is buying typewriters - a move reportedly prompted by recent leaks by WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden.
A 486,540-rouble (£9,860) order for electric typewriters has been placed by the FSO agency on the state procurement website.
US spy services conducted 231 "offensive cyberoperations" in 2011
Who on the earth inflicted the war first, China or the US ?
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon has adopted a new strategy that will classify major cyber attacks as acts of war, paving the way for possible military retaliation, the Wall Street Journal reported on May 31.
US spy services conducted 231 "offensive cyberoperations" in 2011, mostly targeting Iran, Russia, China and North Korea, the Washington Post reported on Saturday. http://news.yahoo.com/us-conducted-231-offensive-cyberoperations-report-153300444.html
The paper said US intelligence services make "routine use" of government-constructed malware around the globe that "differs little in function from the 'advanced persistent threats' that US officials attribute to China."