A prison will be safer, doesn't it.


送交者: qm 于 2013-09-17, 14:28:46:

回答: 日本新加坡全面禁枪,他们的社会就安全得多 由 ASH 于 2013-09-17, 14:19:03:

Being safe is not the sole purpose of life. A prison will be much much safer. Do you want to live in it?

Japan and Singapore may be safer but how much of it is because of gun ban?

My right to own a gun doesn't need to be 崇高 at all. Did I ever say this it is 崇高? I would never want to be a hero with my gun. It is my right. There might be time I need a gun and it wouldn't be pretty or 崇高.

You just can deny my right simply because I am not 崇高, right?



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