like what? mass killing only happened in gun free zone?


送交者: steven 于 2013-09-17, 14:30:49:

回答: same to you! 由 true 于 2013-09-17, 14:23:44:

Fort Worth--Church where concealed carry was legal (signed into law in 1999 by Governor Bush), six dead.
Birchwood, WI--A hunter shot and killed eight hunting buddies. You know, a bunch of gun-carrying guys.
Brookfield WI--Church where concealed carry was legal unless posted otherwise. Seven dead.
Omaha NE--Shopping center where concealed carry was legal. Nine dead.
Chicago--So proud of the lifting of their handgun ban. A store. Six dead.
And of course
Tucson, AZ--Where people can open carry almost everywhere. Six dead (including a child), 12 wounded including Gabrielle Giffords.

Go check it yourself, and stop repeating NRA's bullshit.



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