There's nothing more crazy than thinking some liberals will


送交者: ASH 于 2013-09-17, 18:07:49:

回答: You can spin what ever way you want 由 qm 于 2013-09-17, 17:33:16:

take your guns. If you don't own a machine gun, you are safe from those evil liberals.

In an analogy, you can also say that demanding insurance is an attempt to take away your cars. This is a real danger, because there are actually laws that will take away your right to drive a car.

I think the current NRA leadership is a bunch of greedy salesmen. They use the scare tactics to drive the growth of the membership.

You have to agree there has to be some restrictions on gun ownership. Almost everybody now agrees that machine guns, RPGs and nukes should be off limit to individuals, and everybody also agrees that you have the right to own a handgun or a hunting rifle. The question is, where is the middle ground?

NRA leadership is one that is relentless in pushing the idea of zero regulation on guns. They sound like lunatics. Of course there are even crazier gun organizations out there.



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