阿米巴變形蟲 in NEW ORLEANS


送交者: cornbug 于 2013-09-20, 00:31:17:

Don't wash above your nose. It is OK to drink as stomach acid will kill it.

People worry, experts call danger remote, as brain-eating amoeba is found in La. parish water

NEW ORLEANS — While officials try to pin down the source of a deadly amoeba found in the water supply of a suburban New Orleans community, bottled water sales in St. Bernard Parish have skyrocketed and some people worry about washing their faces in the shower.

That’s despite experts who say the only danger is to people who manage to get the microscopic organism way up their noses. Its only entry to the brain is through minute openings in a bone about level with the top of the eyeball, said Dr. Raoult Ratard, Louisiana’s state epidemiologist.



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