sounds like whole bounch of crap.


送交者: steven 于 2013-10-28, 12:27:35:

回答: 人民群众的眼睛是雪亮的:88年邓小平陈云在上海曾遭极左势力暗杀 由 095 于 2013-10-28, 10:39:01:

Many of these are at best double hearsay, but one thing for sure

Is a load of crap. A couple of years ago, my wife's SUV started shaking while drive on highway. For about I month, I thought it was wheel alignment, and took it in to balance them. It helped a little bit, but pretty soon, it got worst. I took it to the dealer again for check up, and they found out the shaft had cracks. If this were true, there was no way the crack could escape attention. To assassin someone by compromising car shaft would be utterly ineffective. Cracking shaft is pretty common, but seldom causes deadly accident.



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