gun rights people like this kind of comparisons


送交者: yuffie 于 2013-12-09, 16:07:15:

回答: 枪和车一样多吗?开车死亡的概率是枪支走火死亡的概率的50多倍。??? 由 catfish 于 2013-12-08, 21:18:16:

What you need to compare is all gun death vs all vehicle-related death.
Most of the firearm related death is suicide and homicide committed by family members. There total is 20,000 per year or more, which is almost as much as vehicle related death.
Furthermore, vehicle-related death is at a downward trend, with all the safety regulations about seat-belt, ABS, child-safety seats, and air-bags.
Gun-related death is flat or slightly upwards during the last 20 years, due to inaction on the part of any meaning regulations on features of guns, permit, etc.
By switching to the moot point of accidental firearm deaths, they just switched the subject and make it seems like a small problem.



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