送交者: steven 于 2005-5-24, 15:06:07:
回答: 很“内行”地解说一下:提问中的两个动词“飞”的含义有所不同。 由 mirror 于 2005-5-23, 21:52:29:
anything can traval in the outer space because of inertia, but without proper propulsion, the object cannot change its orbit, and hance doesn't do much. Airplanes, even with jet engine cannot fly in outer space, since there is no air, not just for buring but to be expelled from the engine to provide the thrust airplanes need. The Shuttle orbiter has Orbital Maneuvering System, aka OMS, which consists of two rocket engines. The orbiter also contains fuel, which is the mess being expelled to generate thrust. Majority of the mess expelled out from the jet engine comes from air being sucked into the engine, without it, airplanes don't fly.