White House Correspondents' Dinner. Obama delivered well. Smart guy.


送交者: 短江学者 于 2016-05-01, 17:39:36:

Obama Roasts Trump, Drops Mic at Last White
House Correspondents' Dinner


For the final time, President Barack Obama delivered one-liners and laughs at the White House
Correspondents' Dinner, lampooning himself, Congress, and his upcoming status as a lame duck.
"Last week Prince George showed up to our meeting in his bathrobe," Obama said. "That was a
slap in the face."
Obama pretended to be wrapping up his remarks with no mention of Republican presidential
candidate Donald Trump. "Well let me conclude tonight on a more serious note. I want to thank the Washington press corps," Obama said. "The free press is central to our democracy and … nah! I'm just kidding! You know I'm gonna talk about Trump! Come on!," he said.
"And it is surprising: You've got a room full of reporters, celebrities, cameras — and he says
no," Obama continued.

"Is this dinner too tacky for The Donald? What could he possibly be doing instead? Is he at
home, eating a Trump steak, tweeting out insults to Angela Merkel? What's he doing?"
Obama joked about Trump's foreign policy experience, saying, "There's one area where
Donald's experience could be invaluable, and that's closing Guantanamo. Because Trump
knows a thing or two about running waterfront properties into the ground."
Obama did not spare Hillary Clinton. He began by apologizing for a delay in a quip that turned
on the former Secretary of State.
"I know I was a little late tonight," Obama said in his opening remarks. "I was running on CPT
— which stands for jokes that white people should not make."
The joke referred to a recent gaffe made by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Hillary
Clinton who spoke about "C.P. time," a racially insensitive term that stands for "colored people's

Obama also told the crowd in his opening: "If
this material works well, I'm going to use it at
Goldman Sachs next year. Earn me some
serious Tubmans." The new version of the
$20 bill will feature escaped slave and
abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the front.
Obama made a not-so-subtle prediction of
his successor.
"Next year at this time, someone else will be
standing here in this very spot, and it's
anyone's guess who she will be," Obama

Clinton's rival for the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders, was in the crowd. "Bernie, you
look like a million bucks," Obama said. "Or to put it in terms you understand, you look like
37,000 donations of $27 each."
Obama also had fun with his age and looked back at his time in office, reflecting on the
message he brought to the White House when he was first elected. "Eight years ago I said it
was time to change the tone of our politics. In hindsight, I clearly should have been more
specific," Obama said.
"Eight years ago I was a young man, full of idealism and vigor," Obama said. "And look at me
now: I am grey and grizzled, and just counting down the days 'till my death panel."
Obama ended his last White House Correspondents' Dinner with a sincere thank you to the
press corps.
"I just have two more words to say," the president said. "Obama out."



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