送交者: qm 于 2016-05-12, 11:38:06:
回答: 我为什么支持床铺 由 老糊涂 于 2016-05-12, 08:55:22:
1. He just changed his promise and said that 禁止穆斯林入境 is only a suggestion.
2. 让日韩德沙自己搞核弹保护自己,否则交保护费,NATO也一样. This is simply silly. No country would pay 保护费. Yah right. You lose influence if you get out.
3. 建长城,阻止毒品和犯罪? He wants Mexico to pay for it. Since Mexico will never pay, he will not 建长城, bank it.
4. 弘扬美国传统文化? In your dream, right? He is not a conservative by any means.