送交者: jxh 于 2016-10-17, 05:41:38:
回答: 删掉的邮件更是前无古人,后无来者 由 FatherOfGod 于 2016-10-16, 23:17:03:
When Governor Romney left office in 2007, he took unprecedented measures to delete and destroy all electronic documents. He spent over $100,000 of state funds to replace all computers and each of his staffers purchased hard drives from their machines. These actions were unprecedented. His decision was very timely as the entire cleansing took place a few months before Romney launched his 2008 campaign for president. In addition to the electronic records, Romney also claimed that any paper records are not subject to public disclosure. When the incoming governor, Deval Patrick, was asked to turn over all of Romney’s files to the public his office revealed, “The governor’s office has found no e-mails from 2002-2006 in our possession. Before the current administration took office, the computers used during that time period were replaced and the server used during that time period was taken out of service, all files were removed from it, and it was also replaced.’’