Two days after the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, neuroscientist, philosopher, and author Sam Harris voiced his concerns about the dangers represented by a President Trump.
In his podcast Thursday, Harris described Trump’s unlikely election as “unambiguously depressing.” Harris noted that the real estate mogul had reached power “despite showing every sign of being dangerously unfit for it.” According to Harris, Trump exposed in himself “the worst that America has to offer: racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, a contempt for the most vulnerable among us, intimations of fascism, a positive love of bullying, total disdain for our democratic institutions, a contempt for science, and a love of conspiracy theories.”
Attempting to explain the bizarre phenomenon of the election of a man he described as “an embattled narcissist” and “the most powerful clown on earth,” Harris said the candidate’s election was a repudiation of the Left, and an expression of frustration by white voters who, while not necessarily racist, are sick of being accused of it.
“Millions of these people, along with real racists, told all you whinging social justice warriors to go [expletive] yourselves,” Harris said. “And can you really blame them? I mean, safe spaces. Trigger warnings. New gender pronouns. Getting Muslim student groups to deplatform [liberal] speakers….was that the cause of your generation? That’s the trench you were willing to die in.”
Harris also said he was concerned throughout the election by the Left’s “total failure” to honestly address the threat of radical Islamic terror and the European refugee crisis. Harris described Trump as a man who has never flown an airplane, who seizes control of the cockpit after the real pilot has died.
“This guy stormed the cockpit, and now he’s in the pilot seat,” Harris said. “And the runway is in view, and we’re out of time.”
The question now, Harris went on, is how to progress, “having declared the next president to be an absolute jackass and a…predator, and a liar of the sort one would only expect to find a mental hospital.”
“Let’s hope that he is only a cipher,” Harris said. “Let’s hope that he was only pretending not to believe in climate change. Let’s hope that he was only pretending to admire Vladimir Putin. Let’s hope that he was only pretending to believe the conspiracy theories that helped him get elected. Let’s hope he really is a con man, without any core commitments, other than to maintain his own fame and glory. Because then there’s a chance that knowledgeable people might be able to influence him.”