go read the nature paper if you have time and the access
送交者: conner 于 2016-03-14, 14:37:55:
回答: 如何让电脑下围棋,让我这个民工来乱侃侃。 由 bluesea 于 2016-03-14, 14:13:23:
BTW, I have never compared AlphaGo with Deep Blue. I have said all the technologies used by AlphaGo according to what they have published are not new. I saw them 10 years ago. AlphaGo is still a good hybrid approach. However, it inherits the disadvantages of those approaches more or less.
- 好大的脸。 (无内容) - bluesea (0 bytes) 2016-03-14, 15:39:07 (803825)