送交者: 田牛 于 2005-6-09, 12:52:18:
CVS will begin selling the world's first single-use digital video camera, capable of storing up to 20 minutes of video and sound. The CVS One-Time-Use Video Camcorder is also made to be extremely portable, weighing just under 5 ounces. It includes a 1.4-inch color playback screen and three simple control buttons. Users have the ability to not only playback videos, but delete them as well.
The single-use video camera can be returned to any CVS/pharmacy store for one-hour photo lab processing, where the video is placed on a DVD.
The CVS Digital One-Time-Use Video Camcorder retails for US$29.99, and processing costs $12.99. The camcorder is available in more than 1,400 CVS stores now, and should be in over 4,500 by June 26th.