shouldn"t US consult world/UN b4 asteroid test?


送交者: kma 于 2022-09-29, 17:20:05:

i don"t know details and i am sure the danger of changed course asteroid poses almost no danger to earth.

still consider

1. US and allies keep accusing china lack of transparency on space station reentry

2. the impact damage of asteroid would be way way serious than china's station, though surely the possibility of former way lower than later (both should be low using laymen standards)

this concern might be quite moot but another 1 is definitely real issue:


consider that current world efforts on global warming surely is not up to the urgency and geopolitics hamper cooperations dearly, russia is #1 on land, china is #1 or 2 on population, india is not that serious either.

geoenginnering will be more an dmore attractive, esp to west advanced nations with money and tech.

but geoengineering is very controversial, what if it makes things worse or creates unintended consequences?

let say US or EU want to do it, but russia or developing nations against, this scenario is veery possible, likely in our lifetime.



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