hard to analyze weak and elderly


送交者: kma 于 2023-01-14, 15:35:26:

回答: 我怎么觉得疫苗降低了风险呢? 由 zqliu 于 2023-01-14, 14:16:39:

unlike young and healthy, with enough sample size, side effects can be relatively easier to assign.

in 2020-21 winter norway started one of the earliest Pfizer vax, focusing on old and weak people, around 30 quickly died. it became famous.

baseball legend hank aaron died a few days after vax. he was supposed to be promoting it for black community, that certainly didn't help.

health authorities soon cleared both, unrelated, vax safe.

i think, not so quick, it's really hard to determine the cause of death near end of life. aaron could have died nevertheless or even earlier, doing nothing or jab with saline. real cause (if there is really a simple single cause) could need a serious scientifc paper! argument with family, heard sad news, ate sth really bad.... all could fasten his already declining health...

it could be so many things, vax might be, or might not.

and society and government simply dont have so many resources, just like try to determine each death on covid or not. for li wen liang or the 24 year ago cosplay girl, sure. for ge you's mother? sorry not so clear.

we have easier ways. not to waste precious resources on difficult stuff.

1.for vax side effects:

compare it to flu vax, a widely used and universally trusted vax, just tell us how many deaths per million jabs 1 month after jab , compare covid vax with flu 1. each now already has millions if not billions jabs, sample size certainly big enough to rule out any anomaly or excuse. instead of keep arguing about norway or aaron.

long term side effect? like we are talking now about elderly stroke danger? it's really going to be hard and take lot sof tiem and effrts, we may jsut have to tell elderly the sad reality:

S&T advances only so much, we are pretty sure your danger of dying of covid is way bigger if not taking vaxthan stroke with vax. you have to weigh and make decisions youself.

2. for covid damage, jsut read total dearth numbers, to avoid all controversy, as i always said. soon china should give out total death for 2022 (also keep in mind this wave still ongoing, 2023 jan-mar numbers are also crucial). we will see.



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