it's the best policy under china's circumstances


送交者: kma 于 2019-06-11, 15:13:08:

回答: 昨天路上听北京新闻,说是交通事故即使无辜机动车也要付10% 由 silxirt 于 2019-06-11, 14:25:59:

motorists: middle-upper class
pedestrians: poor

mandatory financial compensation is the best. i know what you wnat to say, like america, but china is not america.

any other way would only give the rich more ways to escape punishment.

and btw it's not news, it's there long time ago.

like gaokao, despite so mcuh problem. it's the best under current situation. execept fnag's suggestion of several instead of 1 gaokao test, any other chnage will just further diminish poor kids' chances. and the idea sounds good, but costs too much, not prectival either.

and where you heard military service news?



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