I really like what Nigel said to Angelia in the film.


送交者: behotline0 于 2021-06-09, 14:35:57:

回答: 把2,30岁的年轻人抓一群出来,注射生理盐水 由 jhuang 于 2021-05-31, 02:36:28:

I really like what Nigel said to Angelia in the film.
When your personal life is gone, remember to notify me, it means you are going to be promoted.
I very much agree with this sentence, life and work, we choose to work because of life, and work makes us neglect life. When you want to get promoted, you have to sacrifice more of your private time to work.
Choice is a very interesting thing, and when you make a choice, it also means that you will lose something very pity.
A very interesting website



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