送交者: skipper3 于 2005-7-06, 16:27:58:
回答: The issue is even top 10% earners can't afford it. So it's not normal. 由 Enlighten 于 2005-7-06, 16:05:43:
1. "top 10% earners " is questionable. Cash income from employment is not a good indicator of people's wealth in China, becasue it does not reflect the complete income structure. We all know people have gray income. And it's a normal practice parents making significant contribution to the down pay of their Children's house.
2. "can't afford it." is questionale becasue there are plenty of small flat they can afford. They expect too much.
3. "even.." is questionable. It's rare one can buy a home without some form of financing arrangement. So "afford" should be on the financing not on the home. The ability to finance depends on someone's economic WEALTH not on absolute cash income. For example, one can use his assets such as existing home as collateral to secure a mortgage loan, even though his income is far below than "top 10%". In addition, Chinese saves a lot. One can have low income but a large amount cash saved for many years.
4. Why is it a problem even if the majority have to rent?