I can confidently say you won't get away with it.


送交者: skipper3 于 2005-7-07, 02:44:58:

回答: building relationship是一种专业 由 桂铭 于 2005-7-07, 01:43:11:

Your situation will be quite different than mine. I am in low tech consumer product business.

But I strongly recommend you to forget about building NA style business culture. It won't work. I tried, my friend tried, my friend's friend tried. None succeeded. It is simple: you go to China, you do things in Chinese way. That's not to say you couldn't try some American style business process though. But when there needs to make a major business decision, it's absolutely important to keep everyone happy, even sometimes it means the decision is not the best one you believe. Otherwise you won't last long.

Regarding relationship. My opnion is people in China don't value human capital in the same way American business people do. To begin with, you will need to gain trust from your partners. It's the kind of trust at very personal level not merely at business level. It's not easy: my opinion is people there get their personality involved into business decision making a lot more than American do. And your value proposition is to help your partners make profit not merely the technology know-how. You can say they are not very professional but you may have no choice but working with them, and trying to love them!

Can't comment on share of ownership. Mine is simple: a certain percentage by word of mouth, and I am counting on the relationship with my partner much more than that word!



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