

送交者: niupi 于 2005-9-19, 00:29:37:

回答: 中科院候选院士肖传国早在纽约州立大学医学院时就涉嫌伪造简历 由 水中划 于 2005-9-18, 21:39:03:

我们对所谓世界公认的“肖氏原理”、“肖氏反射弧”、或 “肖氏术”已早有所闻,实际上,如我在另一篇文章里讲到的,这些“肖氏XX”都是子虚有的事情。然而,肖氏的另一发明可是货真价实,肖氏当推其发明人,那就是鲜为人知的“肖氏包装术”。比起肖氏引以为豪的其他“肖氏XX”,“肖氏包装术”在应用方面取得的成果和效益是远远超过了其他“肖氏XX”。




初步分析上海神经所泄露的肖氏简历(http://www.ion.ac.cn/seminar/cv4seminars/041210_CGXiao_CV.doc),发现该简历在“Publication”标题下列有15项外文文章,只有四篇是真正的Publication!另外10篇是会议摘要,还有一篇(British J. Cancer )不存在!


1. Xiao CG., Du M., Li B., Liu Z. Chen M., Xue XN. Shapiro and Lepor H: An Artificial Somatic-Autonomic Reflex Pathway Procedure for Spina Bifida Children to Gain Bladder Control J. Urol. In Press.
2. Xiao CG., Du M., Dai C., Li B., Nitti WV. and de Groat WC.: An artificial somatic-autonomic reflex pathway for controllable micturition after SCI: Preliminary results of 15 patients. J. Urol. 170:1237-1241,2003.
3. Xiao CG., deGroat, WC., Godec CJ., Dai, C. and Xiao, Q.: "Skin-CNS-Bladder" reflex pathway for micturition after spinal cord injury and its underlying mechanisms. J. Urol.162:936-942, 1999
4. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ.: A possible new reflex pathway for micturition after SCI. Paraplegia. 32(5):300-307, 1994

1. *** Xiao CG., Godec, CJ., Du, MX., Dai, C., and Xiao, Q.,: A new procedure to restore bladder functions after SCI: Preliminary report on 14 patients. J.Urol. 159:304A, 1998

2. ***Xiao CG., Godec, CJ., Du, MX., Dai, C., and Xiao, Q.,: Complete bladder function restoration by skin-CNS-Bladder reflex pathway procedure in spinal cord injured patients. J. Urol. 157:1374A, 1997
3. ***Xiao CG., Godec, CJ., Du, MX.: Skin-CNS-Bladder reflex pathway for micturition in spinal cord injury patients. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of North Eastern Section American Urological Association, Buffalo, New York. September 26-29, 1996.

4. ***Xiao CG. and Godec, CJ.: Mechanism underlying the Skin-CNS-Bladder reflex pathway. Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Medical Society of Paraplegia, New Delhi, India. 2-4 November 1995

5. ***Xiao CG., Godec, CJ: Grunberger, I. and Macchia, RJ.: Skin-CNS-Bladder reflex pathway for micturition after SCI in cat. J. Urol. 146:437A, 1992

6. ***Xiao CG., Schellhammer, PF., Castle, M., and Brothman, AR.: Effect of MgCl2 on intracellular mitomycin C concentration. J. Urol. 145:66A, 1991

7. ***Xiao, CG., Grunberger I., and Godec, CJ.: "Skin-CNS-Bladder" reflex pathway for micturition after spinal cord injury. (Abstract #749) 22nd Congress of Society of International Urology, November 3-7, 1991, Sevilla, SPAIN

8. ***Xiao, CG., Schlossberg, SM., Morgan, CW. and Kodama R.: A possible new reflex pathway for micturition after spinal cord injury. J. Urol. 143:356A, 1990.

9. ***Xiao, CG. and Masters, JRW.: Combined intravesical chemotherapy with metal elements. J.Urol. 143:256A, 1990.

10. ***Xiao CG., Godec, CJ.: A "bi-bladder" model for study of cross neural communication related to micturition. J. Urol. 153:262A, 1995


Xiao, CG. and Masters, JRW.: Spectrum of differential drug sensitivities in vitro of a testicular germ cell tumor. British J. Cancer 58:230, 1988.


PUBLICATIONS (As First and Corresponding author only)

1. Xiao CG., Du M., Li B., Liu Z. Chen M., Xue XN. Shapiro and Lepor H: An Artificial Somatic-Autonomic Reflex Pathway Procedure for Spina Bifida Children to Gain Bladder Control J. Urol. In Press.

2. Xiao CG., Du M., Dai C., Li B., Nitti WV. and de Groat WC.: An artificial somatic-autonomic reflex pathway for controllable micturition after SCI: Preliminary results of 15 patients. J. Urol. 170:1237-1241,2003.

3. Xiao CG., deGroat, WC., Godec CJ., Dai, C. and Xiao, Q.: "Skin-CNS-Bladder" reflex pathway for micturition after spinal cord injury and its underlying mechanisms. J. Urol.162:936-942, 1999

4. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ., Du, MX., Dai, C., and Xiao, Q.,: A new procedure to restore bladder functions after SCI: Preliminary report on 14 patients. J.Urol. 159:304A, 1998

5. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ., Du, MX., Dai, C., and Xiao, Q.,: Complete bladder function restoration by skin-CNS-Bladder reflex pathway procedure in spinal cord injured patients. J. Urol. 157:1374A, 1997

6. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ., Du, MX.: Skin-CNS-Bladder reflex pathway for micturition in spinal cord injury patients. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of North Eastern Section American Urological Association, Buffalo, New York. September 26-29, 1996.

7. Xiao CG. and Godec, CJ.: Mechanism underlying the Skin-CNS-Bladder reflex pathway. Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Medical Society of Paraplegia, New Delhi, India. 2-4 November 1995

8. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ.: A "bi-bladder" model for study of cross neural communication related to micturition. J. Urol. 153:262A, 1995

9. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ.: A possible new reflex pathway for micturition after SCI. Paraplegia. 32(5):300 307, 1994

10. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ: Grunberger, I. and Macchia, RJ.: Skin CNS Bladder reflex pathway for micturition after SCI in cat. J. Urol. 146:437A, 1992

11. Xiao CG., Schellhammer, PF., Castle, M., and Brothman, AR.: Effect of MgCl2 on intracellular mitomycin C concentration. J. Urol. 145:66A, 1991

12. Xiao, CG., Grunberger I., and Godec, CJ.: "Skin CNS Bladder" reflex pathway for micturition after spinal cord injury. (Abstract #749) 22nd Congress of Society of International Urology, November 3 7, 1991, Sevilla, SPAIN

13. Xiao, CG., Schlossberg, SM., Morgan, CW. and Kodama R.: A possible new reflex pathway for micturition after spinal cord injury. J. Urol. 143:356A, 1990.

14. Xiao, CG. and Masters, JRW.: Combined intravesical chemotherapy with metal elements. J.Urol. 143:256A, 1990.

15. Xiao, CG. and Masters, JRW.: Spectrum of differential drug sensitivities in vitro of a testicular germ cell tumor. British J. Cancer 58:230, 1988.



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