送交者: skipper3 于 2005-9-23, 16:50:19:
回答: 大伙儿这不还在争取“脱卢致温”么? 三跳你怎么又搞新一轮攀比? 由 Latino2 于 2005-9-23, 14:46:31:
I think it is stupid to judge a school based on quantity of publications ordinary people like me WenKe never get a chance to read and comprehend, let along judging the quality. At least money and power can be easily observed and measured.
AFter all who cares how manay paper a school can produce when a high school graduate makes a tough decision on which university he wants to apply anyway. All he cares is the chance of making big money and his future relative ranking in the society. A university will become the best university if you can consitently attract the brightest students. So I say you LiKe better stop fooling yourslef and get to the basics.