you want a free lecture in reentry?


送交者: steven 于 2005-10-17, 18:40:29:

回答: 切,地面车辆可以躲开 和 原来就把直升飞机,越野车布置在着陆点 能一样吗? 由 fishman 于 2005-10-17, 13:38:12:

Re-entry and splashdown is not like a missle and you can pinpoint a particular area say within 20 meter radius. Typically, before shuttle, the US manned vehicles used the landing method called splashdown, which the capsules parachuted into water rather than land, due to the orbital choice. After getting into the entry interface, the capsule starts reentry, instead of a specific reentry angle, the capsule is usually in between the reentry angle and the EMS positive left overshooting boundry. This makes impossible to determine the exacct splashdown point exactly in close range. Like Apollo 8 was 2.6 km away from the planned coordinate, and 3 km from the recovery ship. Typically, the recovery ships were deployed to the coordinate, and expect to be a few hundred meters from the splashdown point. However, exact one, for all the Apollo mission, the splashdown point were all missing the coordinates. Most of them missed within 10km range, but some missed up to 400km.



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