贱人贱智. 条条大路通财神.
送交者: 校长 于 2007-08-17, 19:46:36:
回答: that's not true, 由 wanglee 于 2007-08-17, 19:15:55:
Finding a tiny little company that would grow big is indeed difficult, but finding a mid size company then jumping on the bandwagon for a happy ride is not that difficult. For mass majority, it is quite difficult to make a living by trading. Good traders do make a lot of money, but they often are traders at big shops trading big tickets using other people's money. They have excess to information and all types of trading tools and channels. That was how I made my first bucket of gold. After so many years in the industry and experienced three bubble-bust cycles, I found that Warrant Buffet's way is the best way.