送交者: habpi 于 2007-09-10, 09:30:44:
今年,北京Linux用户组(Beijing LUG)将在清华大学组织"北京软件自由日活动",合作团队有COPU、CSIP、CSIA以及
Ubuntu LocoTeam。本次活动的目的是在北京的学生和教师中推广自由软件的精神。如果你有兴趣来发掘一下自由软件如何让你美梦成真,本次活
* 著名的自由办公套装OpenOffice.org
* 浏览Web、发送电子邮件以及管理网站的解决方案
* 使用自由软件制作的专业三维动画及其中文支持社区
* 更多让你惊奇的东西,诸如三维桌面以及以往只能想像的东西,全部是自由软件!
Software Freedom Day 2007 in Beijing
Software Freedom Day
September 15th, 2007 - 1PM
Tsinghua University East Gate, FIT Building,
No. 1 Zhong Guan Cun Road, Beijing, China
Software Freedom Day is a global, grassroots effort to educate the
public about the importance of software freedom and the virtues and
availability of Free and Open Source Software. Local teams from all
over the world organize events on the third Saturday in September. The
most recent event involved over 200 teams from all over the world.
This year, Beijing LUG is organizing the Beijing Software Freedom Day
together with COPU, CSIP, CSIA and Ubuntu LocoTeam in Tsinghua
University. Its objective is to promote and spread the spirit of FREE
Software among the students and teachers in Beijing. If you are
interested in finding out how FREE Software can make your dream come
true, this is the one event you should go to!
During this half-day event you will meet individuals, communities and
companies using Free Software everyday and explaining why they are
doing so. They will also show you all the benefits they have gained
from this extraordinary adventure and how to Join them.
So if you're curious, like to learn and discover new things and gets
tons of free gifts, this is the place you want to be!
This half-day event will take you from normal computing to web
development, gaming, mobile telephony and 3D animations. You'll learn
how to get a better job, find people willing to help and support you
within the communities. Just to name a few you will meet:
* The famous free Office Suite called OOo
* Solutions to browse the web, send email and manage websites that
are all free
* Professional 3D animations movies made from free tools and the
chinese community supporting it.
* Many more amazing stuff like 3D desktops and things you can only
dream of, all this for free!
How to participate? Just show up! And don't hesitate to bring friends
What is Free and Open Source Software?
When we talk, in English, about "free software", there is a dangerous
ambiguity, due to "free" meaning both "freedom" and "gratis".
Therefore we will use mainly the term "open source" when referring to
users freedom of use, redistribution, etc., and "gratis software" when
referring to zero acquisition cost. Open source software does not have
to be gratis. Even more, it usually is not, or at least, not
The main features that characterize free (open source) software is the
freedom that users have to:
* Use the software as they wish, for whatever they wish, on as
many computers as they wish, in any technically appropriate situation.
* Have the software at their disposal to fit it to their needs. Of
course, this includes improving it, fixing its bugs, augmenting its
functionality, and studying its operation.
* Redistribute the software to other users, who could themselves
use it according to their own needs. This redistribution can be done
for free, or at a charge, not fixed beforehand.
It is important to make clear that we are talking about freedom, and
not obligation. That is, users of an open source program can modify
it, if they feels it is appropriate. But in any case, they are not
forced to do so. In the same way, they can redistribute it, but in
general, they are not forced to do so.
To satisfy those previous conditions, there is a fourth one which is
basic, and is necessarily derived from them:
* Users of a piece of software must have access to its source
The source code of a program, usually written in a high level
programming language, is absolutely necessary to be able to understand
its functionality, to modify it and to improve it. If programmers have
access to the source code of a program, they can study it, get
knowledge of all its details, and work with it as the original author