送交者: xj 于 2007-10-09, 12:37:15:
回答: 再顶再问:公猴子怎样开始欣赏美丽的面容?比如牛眼睛的美人(拜伦)? 由 短江学者 于 2007-10-09, 12:26:41:
For the universal beauty, almost all animals prefer symmetric body shape and smooth outlook. Health is the key.
For the fashionable beauty like the peacock's tail and bull-eye ladies, it is the run-down chase of fashion that creates bizarre looking. Take the bulleye example. In general we, at least southern Chinese, prefer large eyes, as most women have large eyes with double eye lids. Having these feature not only shows the sign of authenticity of southerners (of pure genes), but also suggests a conformity to the society. They are beautiful in a universal sense.
However, if somehow, local people get obsessed on large eyes, or for example, the leaders may have extra-large eye wife, in either case, people starts chasing large eye ladies. It gradually creates a fashion that the larger the eye, the more beautiful the lady is. It is a cyclic run-down chase: more and more large eyes produced, and more and more people prefer large eyes. The results may be that every girl in that local society have larger than average eyes, and the extra large eyes become the standard.