送交者: xinlihuaxys 于 2007-10-20, 00:29:30:
回答: 固然用“人种”黑、“人种”白这样的伪概念不妥 由 qtl 于 2007-10-19, 22:47:05:
This is what I have said about measuring intelligency. now I need to put some stress on "currently" since you just ignor my words. That's the state of qua.
In physiology, you have to be able to measure speed precisely to <0.01 second where you can tell the difference between different races or nationalities or a group of people.
But in intelligency, how can you do it that precisely? Unless You are "YY", definitely you should say no!
If you find a way that can measure the intelligency that precisely and is accepted by all the people, then you can use it to tell the difference between different populations or races. Otherwise, the error may be even larger than the difference, which will screw up your conclusion.
As for IQ, it's very suspicious in terms of measuring the intelligency of human being. It measures some very limited sides of intelligency. Actually, human being's intelligency is much more complicated. You should have heard of book-smart, people-smart, and street-smart.
All these are parts of intelligency. Does your IQ test measure them all? absolutely not.
Frankly speaking, You are actually very narrow-minded from your previous posts. In the beginning you took it for granted that I had many flaws in my argument. If so, just list them, okay? Let me see what you can come up with.
Defintely, I'm not a 不可知论, and I believe in solid Science. In my opinion, your shaky and naiive conclusion about measuring intelligency doesn't make much sense.
And I don't think from the right beginning you knew what I conceived about intelligency measurement.
Intelligency is a tremendous stuff of our human being,
and it s still far away from what we understand today.
It s just shame on you that you can make that kind of pretensious statement about it.
Maybe some day in future which I don't now how long it is from today, we know enough to have a complete test system for intelligency. But the answer is not today.