送交者: trus 于 2007-12-25, 16:22:44:
Pre-Meeting Critique
Criteria Score Status Action
Description N/A Complete View/Edit
Scientific Merit Complete View/Edit
Clinical Impact Complete View/Edit
Innovation Complete View/Edit
Feasibility Complete View/Edit
Expertise Complete View/Edit
Budget N/A Complete View/Edit
Provide a brief (four to six sentence) overall description of the proposed research. This paragraph should present an objective synopsis of the application, free of evaluative or critical comments.
Scientific Merit
Does the proposed research address the study hypothesis? Does the research use valid research and statistical methods and anticipate and remedy potential experimental problems to ensure effective resolution of the study hypothesis? How likely is it that the proposed research project and training program can be completed within the timeframe of the award?
Clinical Impact
Will the proposed research lead to substantial advances and/or contribute to large leaps of understanding or knowledge that will significantly hasten progress in finding and applying cures? Will the proposed research contribute substantially to reducing breast cancer incidence and/or mortality within the next decade?
To what extent does the proposed research introduce ideas, methods, or devices that are substantially different from existing approaches or use existing approaches or devices/technologies in novel ways? To what extent does the proposed research challenge existing paradigms, research methods, and/or clinical practice?
How likely is it that the proposed research goals and milestones will be achieved within the scope of the funded project?
To what extent do the PI/Co-PI and his/her research team have the expertise to effectively implement all aspects of the proposed research?
Is the budget appropriate for the proposed research?