Research Articles
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The mRNA of the Arabidopsis Gene FT Moves from Leaf to Shoot Apex and Induces Flowering
Tao Huang,1 Henrik Böhlenius,1 Sven Eriksson,1 François Parcy,2 Ove Nilsson1*
Day length controls flowering time in many plants. The day-length signal is perceived in the leaf, but how this signal is transduced to the shoot apex, where floral initiation occurs, is not known. In Arabidopsis, the day-length response depends on the induction of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene. We show here that local induction of FT in a single Arabidopsis leaf is sufficient to trigger flowering. The FT messenger RNA is transported to the shoot apex, where downstream genes are activated. These data suggest that the FT mRNA is an important component of the elusive "florigen" signal that moves from leaf to shoot apex.