送交者: antilier 于 2007-05-02, 12:08:41:
回答: 你踹人用哪个腿,另外一个用于支撑的腿就是更有力的,多数人踹右腿 由 Jingzhang2 于 2007-05-02, 11:11:22:
Check the data out.
Hatta T, Ito Y, Matsuyama Y, Hasegawa Y.Lower-limb asymmetries in early and late middle age. Laterality. 2005;10(3):267-77.
Rahnama N, Lees A, Bambaecichi E.Comparison of muscle strength and flexibility between the preferred and non-preferred leg in English soccer players. Ergonomics. 2005;48(11-14):1568-75.