送交者: habpi 于 2007-06-09, 11:57:01:
尽管微软大力鼓吹100%的兼容性和所谓的“MS 开放格式”,看来顶极的科学期刊已经作出了否定。《科学》和《自然》系列杂志都因为兼容性问题拒收微软 Word 2007 格式。《科学》尤其对其中的公式编辑大为光火:
"Users of Word 2007 should also be aware that equations created with the default equation editor included in Microsoft Word 2007 will be unacceptable in revision, even if the file is converted to a format compatible with earlier versions of Word; this is because conversion will render equations as graphics and prevent electronic printing of equations, and because the default equation editor packaged with Word 2007 -- for reasons that, quite frankly, utterly baffle us -- was not designed to be compatible with MathML. Regrettably, we will be forced to return any revised manuscript created with the Word 2007 default equation editor to authors for re-editing. To get around this, please use the Math Type equation editor or the equation editor included in previous versions of Microsoft Word."
厂商使用不兼容(甚至不自我兼容!)格式是变相的迫使用户花钱升级;对此我们只能说恶劣的决策、事实的卑鄙。即使有的企业用户一时需要某一功能,如此估量长期成本恐怕还不如去支持开源软件的开发。对于普通用户,免费的OpenOffice的功能已经很够用了(参见“鼓励大家使用OpenOffice.org”,http://rl.rockiestech.com/node/312 )。
新闻源 http://prorev.com/2007/05/science-pubs-reject-articles-written-in.htm 。