送交者: mangolasi 于 2005-2-20, 09:56:45:
回答: 种族歧视的合理性证明 由 meiyou 于 2005-2-20, 09:00:38:
You could not make judgements in the vacuum. However, as our enviornment is always changing, what's best in the past need not be the best in the future. Which direction should we modify? We don't know. Here, past experiences may(only *may*) give inspiration. This is why we should respect (in a reasonable domain) other cultures.
People form groups and treat outsiders differently mostly because they want to be strong while they know they are weak, not only when facing the nature, but other people. But this is just an illusion. As every individual is special, groups can be divided into subgroups and so on and you eventually get a group of yourself as single member, this feeling of "belonging" and security is actually on a shaky base.(like the Martin Neomoeller poem:They first came for the communists...) Equality, as an ideal, can help to teach our children not to base their security on a shaky base, for the price of compromising a bit our urge of feeling superior.
Of course, discrimination did cause lots of suffering of human being. But as I know sympathy and empathy aren't so natural to everyone...