送交者: 时丁年 于 2009-02-20, 14:00:59:
Local man convicted of selling fake cure
FDA never approved the medical device
FEDERAL COURT — A federal jury has convicted a San Diego man of selling an unapproved medical device that he claimed could treat a wide range of conditions and diseases with electrical currents.
James Folsom, 68, faces a possible sentence of more than 140 years in prison and $500,000 in fines for 26 felony counts. He is being jailed while awaiting sentencing on May 11.
Between 1997 and last year, Folsom sold more than 9,000 devices with names such as NatureTronics, AstroPulse, BioSolutions, Energy Wellness and Global Wellness. He distributed them to wholesalers and retail consumers.
The business generated more than $8 million in revenue over that time, according to the office of U.S. Attorney Karen Hewitt in San Diego.