

送交者: 粪青 于 2009-08-27, 15:33:11:

回答: 这是说DO BUSINESS的难度-仅此而已,其他方面另说 由 meiyou 于 2009-08-27, 15:26:55:

No. 15 Qingdao, China
Overall Grade: High Risk Location
Major Problem: Pollution
Other Problems: Housing, Disease & Sanitation, Medical Facilities, Education Facilities, Physical Remoteness, Communications, Culture & Recreation Facilities

For many people in the West, this city in northeastern China is famous as the home of its namesake beer, Tsingtao. (The company uses the old-fashioned way of Romanizing the city's Chinese name.) Problems include pollution and limited facilities for medical care. Foreigners who don't speak Chinese have difficulty living in the city, too.



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