送交者: skipper3 于 2005-3-08, 14:18:51:
回答: 微波炉有害?请大家高见 由 dashing 于 2005-3-08, 12:29:08:
You can save 0.5 hr per working day by heating your lunch using microwave. That's a $10 gain for you, assuming you are making and average $20/hr wage. That amunts to $10x250 = $2500 saving per year for you.
Assuming you started working at 25 and will retire at 65. The total saving with compounded interests at 6% interest rate will be around $387K. That's should be more than enough to allow you die peacefully and in a graceful manner. If you will be lucky not getting cancer you can give this money to your children so they can buy their lunch instead of using microwave.