September 2009 --> In September 2009


送交者: fuzzify 于 2009-11-25, 15:08:06:

回答: The cure rate of "Xiao procedure": 85% or 0%? (Final) 由 lightman 于 2009-11-25, 14:39:42:

"Now the 'number' is still increasing; we receive at least two, even as many as three or four calls each day, that provide supporting evidence for the case."
even --> sometimes
that --> which

for his application to academian, 后面加上of Chinese Academy of Sciences?

最后一段,But we should not allow claims such as what has been solved and what has been created, when there is no complete scientific evidence, nor a large amount of evidence-based medical data.
and --> or
no --> neither



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