送交者: 湘女 于 2010-02-27, 11:20:15:
Cinnamon could cause cancer!!!!!!!
【石菖蒲、八角茴香、桂皮、花椒、蜂头茶、七荆介】 ?均含有毒性成分黄樟醚,可诱发肝癌。
我查了斑竹的文章<<中药毒副作用备览>> http://www.xys.org/xys/netters/Fang-Zhouzi/sohu/zhongyao.txt,里面确实说道
According to a 1977 study of the metabolites of safrole in both rats and humans, two carcinogenic metabolites of safrole found in the urine of rats, 1'-hydroxysafrole and 3'-hydroxyisosafrole, were not found in human urine. This brings to question the actual carcinogenicity of safrole in humans.[6]
所以, 不光是桂皮, 还有其他的调味粉(包括黑胡椒)不能多用.